Mass-energy equivalence

By Johny Jagannath

2006 - Walk of Ideas, Berlin
It is generally accepted that E=mc2 is universally true and has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt. But experiments show that that is far from the truth. In fact there are plenty of experiments that show that e=mc2 is wrong. Recent experiments [and some as far back as the 60s] have shown this equation to be erroneous. In other words there is experimental proof that this equation is wrong. 

According to the Einstein equation, a piece of metal when heated weighs heavier than when it is colder. But actual experiments show that the piece of metal actually weighs less when it is heated. Just the opposite of Einstein's prediction. Below is a link to a paper about such an experiments. 
Even the earlier experiments going back as far back as 1932 [Cockcroft and Walton] do not actually verify this equation. But it is generally reported that this experiment is indeed an experimental proof of E = mc2. Below is a quote taken from here.
The hypothesis they set out to test, however, is not mass-energy equivalence, but rather than when a 7Li nucleus is bombarded with protons, the result is two α-particles.
As Stuewer (1993) has suggested, Cockcroft and Walton use mass-energy equivalence to confirm their hypothesis about what happens when 7Li is bombarded by protons. Hence, it does not seem we ought to regard this experiment as a confirmation of E = mc2. 
So the only experiments that are often reported in mainstream magazines and textbooks that serve as "proof" of the verification of E = mc2 are those of trivial experiments that involve the verification of simple Newtonian phenomenon such as "inertia" manifesting in the form of centrifugal forces in a circular particle accelerator or simple experiments that verify the increase of "momentum" of a particle in a linear particle accelerator. 

Here's a quote from a paper titled, "On The Concept of Mass" by Lev B. Okun, which summaries the misinterpretation perpetrated in mass media.
According to the standard cliche, these experiments were done, “to test the velocity dependence of longitudinal and transverse masses” actually they tested the velocity dependence of momentum.
None of the particle accelerators are actually testing testing E = mc2. A true test of E = mc2 would require an experiment to verify an increase in the strength of gravity/weight of a test-mass when it is heated or spun very fast. Like I said before, there is proof that gravity/weight of an object drops when it is heated.


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